Reversal #3

opened 2024-05-04 02:17:29 +02:00 by milk · 0 comments


By Reversal, i mean the System that decides what action Happens immedietly after the Player finishes an Animation and goes to a Neutral State.

this attack would be called a Reversal, animations that Are Reversable are the Exception


if the player does a special N frames before they Return to Neutral, Reversal would Trigger, immedietly starting an attack.
this is different from normally just doing it, because it would skip one frame of an idle animation

## definitions By Reversal, i mean the System that decides what action Happens immedietly after the Player finishes an Animation and goes to a Neutral State. this attack would be called a Reversal, animations that Are Reversable are the Exception ## mechanics if the player does a special N frames before they Return to Neutral, Reversal would Trigger, immedietly starting an attack. this is different from normally just doing it, because it would skip one frame of an idle animation
milk added this to the Playable Game milestone 2024-05-04 02:17:29 +02:00
milk added the
label 2024-05-04 02:17:29 +02:00
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Reference: milk/MGQ-Fighter#3
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